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Josephine Howell was born in Chicago, IL. She has always been fascinated with music and the arts, captivating family and friends at an early age with her amazing gifts.


“Josie” possesses a God-given endowment for the arts. She first explored her interest and abilities for singing in the children’s choir at her childhood church, The True Right M. B. Church. It was the beginning of the foundation that would sustain her through a life filled with the type of experiences that inspire every song, every word, and every moment she is on stage.


Josie is always exploring new avenues of expression. Her range of talent extends from singing, dancing and acting to the very production and direction of the arts. The experiences of her performances reflect the spirituality, love, struggles and victories of one who tells a story of triumph where there was no hope.


Josephine Howell
Senior Servant Leader

The passion, inspiration and melodious sound you savor when you have the privilege of experiencing one of her breathtaking performances is birthed from a life of challenging struggles and immense victories. Her voice alone tells a story in every song. When she is singing about love, you can feel the passion in the eyes of one newly in love. When she is singing about having fun, it makes you want to run, like a child, to the playground of your youth. And when she is singing about the One who has given her new life, you feel the healing of her wounded heart and you know that Jesus lives!


Because Josephine recognizes the importance of each hand, helping another, she participates often in many local community events, performing, entertaining, but also sometimes speaking very candidly to those who need to hear from someone who's walked in their shoes. She is active in not only local affairs, but has also committed her time and talent to speak to our government about the plight of the homeless, a place she once knew firsthand. She believes that is important not just to entertain, but to use her gifts, her singing, her speaking, her acting, her directing to better the community, city and country in which she lives.


Josie attributes her success to her mother, Alberta Tucker, for instilling in her a spiritual foundation based on a personal relationship with God. But she recognizes God as her ultimate reason for her gifts, her will and her determination.

Brother Zebedee Hill
Senior Servant Leader

Zeb serves as one of In Spirit and In Truth’s Senior Servant Leaders. As a Senior Servant Leader, Brother Zeb works closely with In Spirit and In Truth’s Men’s Ministry and Feeding Ministry, as well as the Security and Facilities departments. He is also a member of In Spirit and In Truth’s Finance team and operates within different roles as the Ministry calls or requires of him.


Brother Zeb was born and raised in Seattle.  As a young adult, he spent several years working with youth in various aspects, from childcare and youth programs to community center staff at different sites throughout central Seattle. He was introduced to the Lord in his youth and then re-introduced/drawn into a deeper relationship with the Lord as an adult. Realizing the significance of the fullness of YHWH in His manifest forms, Brother Zeb not only received the Lord, but believes on the Messiah, Yahshua, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, as our only means for reconciliation to YHWH. Upon this fortified walk, he and his family joined Christian Restoration Center and have transitioned into being members of In Spirit and In Truth Ministries.



Brother Zeb’s response to the calling of Christ on his life keeps him engaged in Kingdom activities, while eagerly growing in his relationship with YHWH, through Jesus Christ. Living for Christ has become his mission. In doing so, his choice Scripture, Philippians 3:9-11, has become both his motive and resolve.


Blessed with a beautiful family, Brother Zeb is husband to Cynthia Hill and they are parents of 5 children. Some of his personal passions are writing and music. While continuing to develop within his life of reverence for/of YHWH, Brother Zeb continues to increase in his reliance on Jesus as he lives with an eternal perspective. By the power of the Holy Spirit, he walks in his Salvation while growing in his passion as a servant of Christ and the Lord GOD’s people.


Sister Michon Edwards
Senior Servant Leader

Michon Edwards was born; Michon Wise is the only child of Charlotte Wise and Levi Gwin of Chicago, IL.  Michon moved to Seattle with her mother before kindergarten.  Michon graduated from Roosevelt high school in 1983 and attended the University of Washington for a semester when she learned she was pregnant with her son.  Michon is the mother of four children and five grandchildren.


Michon Edwards came to Christ in 1992 under the leadership of Bishop Eugene & Mother Drayton of Zion United House of Prayer.  Bishop Drayton prophesied the gifts of teaching and exhortation, which begin to manifest within two years.  Michon continued her leadership journey with Pastors Albert & Tina Yancey for 7 years, becoming an Elder.  Although Dove/Destiny ministries suffered many leadership challenges, Michon walked away with a clearer understanding of God's expectation for servant leadership.  She spent the next two years visiting several churches before acknowledging her calling once again under Pastor Doug & Sister Liz Wheeler of Christian Restoration Center (CRC) guidance.  CRC became her official training ground for the next 12 years, where she assured her calling. Through God, Michon worked on the finance team, taught bible study, the small group House of David & Celebrate

Recovery for several seasons. Eventually becoming an ordained minister over the CRC women's department in 2008, leading the women's ministry for several years. Lastly, and not least significant, is her dedication to her Recovery. Michon has been a recovering alcoholic for over 15 years.  She owes her success to God's divine grace and the recovery family at 23rd & Cherry Fellowship Hall in Seattle. It is there she embraced the process of the 12 steps that changed her understanding of principles of "Trust God, Clean House & Help Others." As a result, Michon spent many years being a trusted servant on Cherry Hall Board of Directors, eventually becoming the Executive Director for two terms and Vice President for one.  Michon has a passion for seeing "backsliders" like herself returned to their proper place in the body.  As a result, she is a dedicated believer in the Celebrate Recovery process and discipleship mentoring. Michon's core tenants are, "Love God, Love others and Feed My Sheep


Keith Edwards was born and raised in Seattle Washington, to Earl and Bette Edwards. He has an older sister Debra and a younger brother Troy.

Edwards left town in the early 80s where he worked in radio at CBLS MAGIC 93 for 5 yrs. Later relocating back to Seattle. Where he is happy to spend time with his Beautiful wife Michon.

He is currently working as a Transit Driver for King County Metro for 14 yrs.

He has been with ISAIT since the beginning, where he is now part of the Senior Leadership Board, where the Lord has placed me to serve.

He looks forward to getting to know the assignment God has for him.


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Brother Keith Edwards
Senior Servant Leader








Sunday Morning Services 11:00am | Wednesday Hour of Prayer 6:30pm​ |Wednesday Bible Study 7:30pm

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